Sunday, December 14, 2014

Research Blog Post 4: Attention Hog

"Attention Hog" is a interactive game made by Chris Basmajian. Basmajian is an interactive artist whos artwork definitely has more of an in depth meaning then what is perceived.

For instance, this game, "Attention hog" was described in as "The player is cast as a pig whose goal is to capture the love and attention of as many people as possible. The game’s subject reflects some of the social and psychological trends present in social-networking communities, including self-promotion, social anxiety, obsessive need for peer validation, and distraction as entertainment. The game operates on a conventional level, and can be shared with others and embedded on web pages, blogs, and social-networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace." When i played this game, I thought it was fun in lighthearted, but the inner meaning of this game really made me introspective as to how i view acceptance on social media. 

I wouldn't change anything about this game. It increasingly gets harder to attract attention and stay alive. I love the name and the overall aspect. It speaks volumes towards the "me" generation. 

Sources: game: quote:

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