Sunday, December 14, 2014

Research Blog Post 3: Untitled (Pink Dot)

This piece is called "Untitled (Pink Dot). It was created by Takeshi Murata. He is a modern artist who is known for the technique of "data moshing" this is when an artist takes segments of other .AVI digital video files and puts them together to create one piece of artwork. This piece seen here is the final product.

I like this piece because it recycles old material and forms a new work of art. I think Murata is trying to say that anything can be reused and re purposed to make art.

The only critique that I would like to see in this piece is more color. Video files can be bright and exciting. I would like to see another piece of recycled data that is as bright and colorful as the pink dot in the center of this piece. Besides that, I believe that this piece is inventive and fresh.


  1. The video was very interesting. The flashing background was a bit too much for me-but I get that was part of the video. It's not really my sort of artistic style, but overall it is very unique!

  2. This video was weird but in an intriguing way! I like how the background was morphing and changing. My brain was going kinda crazy because it was trying to focus on too many things at once. I like the music that went with it I think it helped tire everything together and make the transitions smoother.
