Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Conversation With Wayne White

ST: Good Afternoon Mr. White 

WW: Please call me Wayne. I see that you are interested in my work, do you have any questions for me? 

ST: Yes. Let's just jump right in. Why do you do the letter work on old paintings? What is your inspiration for the words? 

WW: Well, I just want to entertain people with my words and create a shock factor that I feel has been lost in modern art. You see, when you have a picture of a barn and then large profanities on it. Someone is going to laugh!

ST: I see, that makes sense. What do you think inspires you?

WW: You see, Stephen, everything inspires me, I love making big cardboard masks of presidents. I’m all about creating a reaction.

ST: Tell me about your college experience.

WW: That is where I truly found myself. I finally found people like me so I could fully blossom into the weirdo that I am. They accepted me for who I was and embraced my ideas and even improved them! For what I remember (laughs), college was the time of my life. I was so tired of being the weird kid in high school. It really felt awesome to be with people like me.

ST: Interesting. How do you avoid being called a “one trick pony”?

WW: Whoever says that obviously doesn’t know my craft at all. I know it looks the same, but, like I said, as long as it entertains and I am satisfied with it, then who cares about what the people say.

ST: I agree! Well, thank you for this quick interview Wayne. I really appreciate your artwork and hope to see more material on the way!

WW: Trust me, Stephen. I may be old, but I am still kickin’!

ST: Looking forward to see more of your future projects. 

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