Tuesday, September 30, 2014

TED Talk Summary

During this TED talk, Clay Shirky describes how the social media is effecting our day to day lives and how politically and socially it is changing from the way it used to be. He describes that before there used to be professionals giving the information out to the amateurs. Now there are more amateurs interacting and providing the information to each other without any sort of restriction. People now can talk to other people about things that are effecting the world before the professional media can get its hands on it. He describes how that people got word of China’s earthquake while it was happening because the people that were being affected by it were tweeting about it live. He also says that the Chinese government shut down twitter because of the overabundance of raw information. Shirky states that this type of explosion of information is inevitable today because of the fact that everyone can communicate and produce whatever they want with each other. He describes to the audience that we are living in this movement right now. He shows the audience that we now have a bigger voice then we ever did before because now we can communicate with anyone we want about anything. He also says that we can affect the political and social things that are happening in this world because we now are a huge force of voices. Towards the last part of his lecture, he talks about how Obama was going to sign a bill granting the big companies the ability to obtain any information about their clients. On the forum, the community signed a petition against the signing of this document. And Obama decided to sign it anyway but he had to write a formal statement that he heard and understood the reasons behind the argument. Social media is now a force that will be able to effect the whole world. We can now use this to our advantage to change the world as we know it, one tweet at a time. 

My 100

    1. I love the Lord 
    2. I love laughter 
    3. I love friendship 
    4. Video Games 
    5. Technology 
    6. Movies 
    7. Comedies 
    8. Chipotle 
    9. Funk 
    10. Rap 
    11. Classic Rock 
    12. Fun 
    13. EDM
    14. Speaking my mind 
    15. USA 
    16. Friendship 
    17. Companionship 
    18. Family 
    19. Roller Coasters 
    20. Thrill
    21. Going for it 
    22. Naps 
    23. Super Heroes 
    24. Bass (guitar) 
    25. Creativity 
    26. Thinking on my feet 
    27. Dr. Pepper 
    28. Young Life 
    29. Purple 
    30. Patterns 
    31. Comfort 
    32. Soft things 
    33. Herbal tea
    34. Elephants 
    35. Bears 
    36. Baseball 
    37. Bacon 
    38. Nachos 
    39. Humor 
    40. Driving 
    41. Old things 
    42. Thrift Shopping 
    43. Hats 
    44. Marching band 
    45. DCI 
    46. Hard work 
    47. Cigars 
    48. Stars 
    49. Lasting Friendships 
    50. Curiosity 
    51. Water
    52. Lakes 
    53. Beaches 
    54. Mountains 
    55. Road Trips with friends 
    56. Slim Jims 
    57. Sunflower Seeds
    58. Sunglasses 
    59. A good pair of boxers 
    60. Bow ties 
    61. Time 
    62. A good stretch 
    63. Dogs 
    64. Cats 
    65. Jazz 
    66. Spanish 
    67. Making new friends 
    68. Figuring out problems 
    69. Giving advice
    70. Listening 
    71. Bald Eagles 
    72. Public Speaking 
    73. Improv 
    74. Trying something new 
    75. People watching 
    76. That feeling you get when your super full and are about to take a nap 
    77. My Roommates 
    78. Showers 
    79. Frisbee 
    80. Learning new things 
    81. Being Real 
    82. Being intentional 
    83. Being there for people 
    84. Campfires 
    85. Strawberries 
    86. Smoothies 
    87. Blobbing 
    88. Laser Tag 
    89. My last name 
    90. Finding new music 
    91. Hanging out with friends 
    92. Vacations 
    93. Ireland 
    94. Making memories 
    95. Being intentional 
    96. Flip-Flops 
    97. Experiences
    98. Chicken Tenders 
    99. Explosions 
    100. Cheese 

Monday, September 29, 2014

Theme for my GIFs

The world is mysterious and always changing. Some people sit around and think about it, trying to look important, while others choose to improvise to improve it. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Tribe

Von Puttkamer, W. Jesco. "Brazil Protects Her Cinta Largas." Natural Georgraphic 10 Sept. 1971: 434. Print.

W. Gahan, Gordon. "The Voyages and Historic Discoveries of Capt. Jas. Cook: A True and Accurate Account Undertaken and Performed by Capt. Alan Villiers." Natural Georgraphic10 Sept. 1971: 314. Print.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Successful and Unsuccessful Elements of my Collages


  1. I thought putting one image on another was easy. 
  2. I thought as soon as I got to play around with Photoshop, I was able to become more comfortable with the programs. 
  3. I felt comfortable with the cuts that i made and the positions of the new photos on top of the background


  1. After last class, I now know that there was more that I could have done to blend the pictures to make them seem more seamless
  2. I didn't blend at all because I simply didn't know how to. 
  3. This took a lot longer then I thought but If I were to do it again, I think I would be faster at it.

Conclusion: I am hopeful to work on these collages again because I am now more familiar with the other things Photoshop allows me to do. 

The Ecstasy of Influence Summary

In this article, Jonathan Lethem explains that in the fields of art, music, tv and media, everything is influenced by a proceeding similar source. He goes on to describe that the author of the story Lolita, written in 1916 can be traced to a similar story written forty years before. He also shows examples in music and other famous stories such as Led Zeppelin songs were influenced by the Lord of the Rings, and the movie West Side Story was influenced by Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Lethem states that if this type of influence was considered plagiarism then we wouldn't have the Simpsons, South Park or any Disney classics. As long as the source is cited, then it isn't plagiarism. It's only a problem if the artist that is influenced by old art claims it as their own.  This "open source" society is great for the betterment of the art world because without it, there wouldn't be any new opinions or material from old sources. And that, he thinks, would be a tragedy if it was considered plagiarism .

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Definition of Eps File

EPS stands for Encapsulated PostScript. EPS is a PostScript file format used to transfer a graphic image between applications and platforms. To use and EPS file, you must have a specific software application to create and EPS file, like Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator. EPS files are often used when exchanging logos that cannot be edited by the receiver, such as sending a file to a print house. 

Project #1 Cut and Paste 5 Digital Images

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Conversation With Wayne White

ST: Good Afternoon Mr. White 

WW: Please call me Wayne. I see that you are interested in my work, do you have any questions for me? 

ST: Yes. Let's just jump right in. Why do you do the letter work on old paintings? What is your inspiration for the words? 

WW: Well, I just want to entertain people with my words and create a shock factor that I feel has been lost in modern art. You see, when you have a picture of a barn and then large profanities on it. Someone is going to laugh!

ST: I see, that makes sense. What do you think inspires you?

WW: You see, Stephen, everything inspires me, I love making big cardboard masks of presidents. I’m all about creating a reaction.

ST: Tell me about your college experience.

WW: That is where I truly found myself. I finally found people like me so I could fully blossom into the weirdo that I am. They accepted me for who I was and embraced my ideas and even improved them! For what I remember (laughs), college was the time of my life. I was so tired of being the weird kid in high school. It really felt awesome to be with people like me.

ST: Interesting. How do you avoid being called a “one trick pony”?

WW: Whoever says that obviously doesn’t know my craft at all. I know it looks the same, but, like I said, as long as it entertains and I am satisfied with it, then who cares about what the people say.

ST: I agree! Well, thank you for this quick interview Wayne. I really appreciate your artwork and hope to see more material on the way!

WW: Trust me, Stephen. I may be old, but I am still kickin’!

ST: Looking forward to see more of your future projects.