Sunday, October 19, 2014

My Scanned Faces


All of my Swatches Pt. 1

From Top Left to Right
  1. Young Life Symbol: I am  thoroughly involved with Young Life here at George Mason and it's awesome. This is the world wide symbol. 
  2. Bear paw print: This is two in one. I love that color of purple and the bear is my favorite animal. 
  3. Cheese: Because who doesn't like cheese?
  4. Bass Clef: I play a number of instruments; Tuba, Bass, Upright Bass, Bass drum. All of those instruments fall under the bass clef. So this symbol represents all of the instruments that I can play. 
  5. Cross: I am very strong in my faith. It is very important to me. the color scheme represents the new life that I have in Christ (from black to white). and how he had to die for me to live (red).
  6. Spanish Phrase 'Hola!': I am not fluent in Spanish. but I am pretty close. Some of my close friends speak Spanish and it is fun to converse with them in a different language. 

All of my Swatches Pt.2

From Left to Right
  1. Texan Flag: My family is from Texas. We lived there before VA. Most of my early childhood memories are from our house in Texas. 
  2. Chipotle burrito: I love chipotle. This was my attempt to draw a burrito 
  3. Tobacco Leaves: I enjoy tobacco. Not cigarettes but cigars. 
  4. Sunshine: I love the sunshine.
  5. The Blob: this is a floating pillow on a lake where one person is on the end and a heavier person (me) jumps off a ledge to send them flying. (see: this link
  6. The last one represents being spontaneous. I love just going for it, Because why not?